These guides are a compilation of informative topics selected and published by Alexandria Library's librarians. Each topic is researched by librarians and provides timely and informative resources to help patrons and the community locate materials available in the library's physical collections, electronic databases and from carefully reviewed Internet websites.
Economics, industry news, labor relations, mortgage banking, investing and planning, and small business tips & strategies.
Job searching, maintaining a career, test prep, online learning classes, practice tests and resume building.
Culinary arts, garden and landscaping, home improvement, fine arts and music, pop culture, antiques and travel.
Early literacy is what children know about reading and writing before they can read and write.
Celebrating the rich diversity which makes up our community. Ethnicity, gender diversity, disabilities, LGBTQ information, and more.
Get the skills and knowledge to make informed and effective decisions with your financial resources.
Family and local history, federal census records, historic newspapers, religious and military records, & current and historic events.
Searchable documents and records, reliable legal information, tax information, voting information, & local government resources.
Medical reference materials, nursing and allied health journals, physical therapy, sports medicine and psychology.
Coverage of both current and past events, women in history, military history, African American history, local house history and more.
Information about state laws, local groups, teaching techniques, curriculum guides and more.
Encyclopedias, pro-con topics, background research information, citations from reliable sources, free prep tests, online tutoring.
Learn a new language, research areas like drama, music, art history and filmmaking, or get information on local traditions for your next trip.
Explore the most popular world religions with books, movies, online classes and more.
Leading journals, reference sources, wide range of academic disciplines and general interests.
A plethora of sources on topics like agriculture, psychology, environmental studies, and general science.
70 languages, computer software, digital photography, food and nutrition, grant writing. All classes are at no cost, but require your library card.
Economics, banking, investing, planning, and small business tips. |
Job searching, maintaining a career, test prep, resume building. |
Computers, operating systems, web publishing, graphic design, coding and more. |
Learn digital skills and how to apply them safely as a digital citizen. |
Celebrating the rich diversity which makes up our community. |
Culinary arts, gardening, home improvement, antiques and travel. |
Early literacy is what children know about reading and writing before they can. |
Get the skills to make informed & effective decisions with your financial resources. |
Family and local history, federal census record, historic newspapers. |
Reliable legal, tax, voting, & local government information &resources | ||
Medical reference materials. |
Local house history, African-American & women's history, current & past events. |
Information about state laws, local groups, teaching techniques, curriculum guides and more. |
Encyclopedias, pro-con topics, background research information, citations. |
Learn new languages and cultures. |
Learn world religions. |
Leading journals and reference sources. |
Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Forensics and more. |
Learn a language, learn about software, personal development and more. |
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