It’s never too late to take charge of your brain health!
In this interactive session, you will learn about the six pillars of a brain-healthy lifestyle, share your brain-boosting activities, and be inspired by others. This session is a good overview for anyone interested in improving their brain health and will provide you with actionable steps you can take along with resources to learn more.
Dolores Cole is a certified life coach in Alexandria, Virginia, and volunteer for AARP. She grew up in Detroit, Michigan, married and followed her then husband to southern California. From 1983 through 2004 she served in human resources and EEO positions: As a corporate Director of EEO & Training, Director of the EEO & Job Development Office at the University of Southern California, Assist. Vice Chancellor for Human Resources at the California Community Colleges system, and Assoc. Vice President for Human Resources and EEO at California State University, Monterey Bay.
Dr. Cole moved to the Washington, DC area in 2004 to accept a senior executive position at the Department of Housing and Urban Development and retired from HUD in 2016. She attained MBA and EdD degrees from the University of Southern California, an MA from the University of Michigan, and a BA from Wayne State University. She has served on the Board of Horton’s Kids, a non-profit organization providing tutoring and mentoring services to young people in Anacostia, since 2014 and been a volunteer for AARP since 2018.
AGE GROUP: | Seniors | Adults |
EVENT TYPE: | Health & Nutrition | All Alexandria Reads |
TAGS: | neurology | cognitive health |
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